The first step to succes for new employees: a great Onboarding

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to new employees. A good onboarding process ensures that new hires feel welcome, quickly find their way within the organization, and remain engaged in the long term. In this blog, we will discuss why onboarding is so important, how it contributes to success, and how Simme can help optimize this process.

What is Engagement in an Organization?

Engagement refers to the emotional connection and commitment employees feel towards their work, their team, and the organization as a whole. Engaged employees are motivated to contribute to the organization’s goals, feel responsible for their work, and are willing to go the extra mile when needed. Engagement is much more than just satisfaction; it involves an active, positive attitude towards work and the organization.

Why is Engagement Important? Three Examples

  1. Higher Productivity: Engaged employees tend to be more productive. Because they feel connected to their work and the organization, they are more likely to take initiative, work more efficiently, and deliver better performance. This contributes to the growth and success of the organization.

  2. Lower turnover and absenteeism : Greater involvement often leads to lower staff turnover and less absenteeism. Employees who feel involved enjoy their work more and are less likely to seek other opportunities. This reduces the costs of hiring and training new employees and ensures greater stability within teams.
  3. Stronger Company Culture : Engagement strengthens company culture. When employees feel connected to the organization’s values and mission, they actively contribute to a positive work atmosphere. This not only attracts new talent, but also creates a pleasant working environment.

How Simme Contributes to an Involved Organization 

Creating engagement within an organization requires a proactive and strategic approach. The Simme platform offers various tools that help to increase and strengthen employee engagement:

  • My Team Feature: Simme’s “My Team” feature allows managers and managers to easily create and manage teams. You can even add the entire organization to a team, encouraging communication and collaboration. This feature makes it easier to keep employees informed about team goals, achievements, and important updates, helping to create a sense of belonging and engagement.

  • News Feature : Simme also offers a “News” feature, which allows you to share important announcements and updates with the entire organization or specific teams. This feature ensures that everyone is always up to date with what is happening within the organization. By regularly sharing news and successes, employees feel more involved in the organization.

How Simme Ensures Effective Onboarding

Onboarding new employees requires a strategic and personalized approach. The Simme platform offers solutions to make your onboarding process more efficient and effective:

  • Personalized Onboarding Programs: Simme provides tools to create tailored onboarding programs that meet the needs of new employees and teams. From introductory videos and orientation modules to personalized learning paths, everything is customized to the employee. Additionally, e-learning modules can be easily created and linked to the onboarding program.

  • Digital Onboarding Tools: With Simme, you can engage new employees directly through digital means, such as virtual tours, interactive e-learning modules, and online introduction sessions. This makes the process flexible and accessible.

  • Feedback: Simme offers options to measure onboarding experiences through surveys and regular check-ins using the “My Opinion” module. This provides valuable feedback and allows for quick adjustments to improve the process.


A successful onboarding process is the foundation for a strong relationship between new employees and your organization. By investing in a well-organized and welcoming onboarding experience, you increase the likelihood that employees will feel at home quickly, be more productive, and remain committed to the organization for a long time.

Would you like to discover how Simme can help optimize your onboarding process? Explore the possibilities today and ensure a great start for all your new employees.

Ready to improve your onboarding? Use the Simme platform and give new employees an unforgettable start!
